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Park mill, Gaskell street, Bolton. Demolished around 1981.

Acrylic on boxed canvas, painted all round. 12x14 inches. £85 The decline of the cotton industry saw many mills being pulled d...

Friday 12 February 2016

Arnside, Lake District.

Acrylic's with medium gloss gel on boxed canvas, painted all round.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Bolton: November Morning...

Acrylics, with medium gloss gel on boxed canvas, painted all round.
14x16 ins.

November, on a misty frosty morning. From Smithills moor, Bolton sparkles in the hazy sunshine as the frost is melted away. At 09:30, just after the school run, it was a great opportunity to sit up here in the warmth of my car to witness this spectacle. It took another hour for the blue skies to show through, and for the sun rays to dance with jack frost across the rooftops. I made a couple of drawings, sketched in my pad as quickly as possible for things changed pretty fast before me. I had been daydreaming, living in this moment of joy and nearly missed the finale...

Monday 1 February 2016

Genetic Misprint: We are all in this together!

Oil on Canvas Sheet.

Welcome to the Genetic age. Although we have passed this day by, we await its outcome for future generations. A test here. A swab there. All in the name of science. As our jawline protrudes through evolution, making us soft food suckers, we must keep modifying our genes to look our best still. One day... someone will love us for who we are...