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Park mill, Gaskell street, Bolton. Demolished around 1981.

Acrylic on boxed canvas, painted all round. 12x14 inches. £85 The decline of the cotton industry saw many mills being pulled d...

Thursday, 14 July 2011

The chicken coops.

Oil on canvas board

Sandwiched by two main roads, Bradshaw brook flows beneath the junction out of sight from passing motorists, many who don't even know of its existence. Others do but care little for its beauty, rhythm or idyllic charm, as it tumbles by.
None would know of the little farmstead that hides behind a garage, down a steep embankment beneath the busy roads. Or care about the chickens, pecking away below, scratching for grubs, squabbling noisily. 
With a new fence keeping them in, secure from tyre's and tired, irrate drivers, the chickens are blissfully unaware of the threat. They just love the sound of the brook, the insects falling from trees, and the damp earth providing juicy worms. All in this small enclave, beneath the junction that rattles without stop. Happy to see the painter who stops to appreciate their rickety home...By R.A.Hall

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