Oil on canvas card
I sit amongst the shell of an old derelict mill
, once the hub of the early textile age. Its boundaries, just recognizable through the vegetation. Reeds and tall grasses thrive in the boggy remains of the once solid foundations, swamping the walls that lie crumpled and forlorn. I sit in silence, recalling the sounds of those once hard at work, watching them as they sweat and toil.
I smell the remains of the long gone fabrics, the bleach and dyes that coloured their wears. I absorb the surroundings like a new born.
Young trees, shrubs, foreign weeds grow in abundance. Obliterating what's left. Sucking the life out of the remaining debris. Sprouting from the ground that man had once changed for his advantage. But has now given up the struggle as saplings become mature trees. The challenge to great and costly.
And in the distance that foe beckons. With greater technology. Cheaper materials. Now the need to secure more land - he returns. Encroaching monthly, he reclaims his land. Building a new style of factory for a very modern man. With prefabricated sheets of steel, his new found freedom fills the void of those long gone. And in his wake, a modern day factory
rises to show his determination... By R.A.Hall
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